Profitable Farmer
This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Jeremy Hutchings (Managing Director at Farm Owners Academy), reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage in your farm business.
Monday Feb 15, 2021
# 67 - Because there are SO MANY Personalities in our industry!
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
I have heard it said that there is no such thing as a 'perfect family'.Who can relate to this?In business, and within our families, there are so many different personalities… so many complex people that we have to deal with, work with, and lead. For many, THIS can be our greatest challenge!In this podcast, and to complement my prior two episodes on Planning & Negotiation, I explore DiSC Personality Profiling. We will discover how a deeper understanding of our individual Personality Type and Behavioural Traits can see us better communicate and manage our team and families, and help us adapt and overcome the various relationship challenges we may be experiencing.In this episode, I:
introduce you to DiSC Personality Profiling
describe in detail the 4 distinct personality types we each fall into
explore where conflict and lack of cohesion can come from
explain how we can better understand each other
how we can better adapt our communication to lead each and every member of your team more effectively.
It is my view that being in business with family can be a real gift. Incredible things can happen when families align, unite and work together constructively in order to pursue a shared Vision in business. What a privilege to be in business with those you love!There are compelling examples of this in so many multi-generational, iconic family brands across the Australian business landscape (the Ray White story comes to mind!)At the same time, it is clear to me, that this is often very difficult to achieve; and in reality, quite rare long-term.It is my hope that this podcast invites a deeper understanding and appreciation for our respective personality profiles and behavioural styles to help you navigate this challenge and help create your own iconic family farm and high-achieving business team.Thank you, and enjoy.Jeremy
PS - Got questions about this topic? Feel free to reach out via the Profitable Farmer Facebook page to ask clarifying questions. I’d love to hear from you.
Friday Jan 29, 2021
# 66 - The Art of Negotiation
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Negotiation is not what we think it is.
Negotiation is a skill that all successful business minds and influencers in society learn, master and successfully apply.
Yet at the same time, it is a crucial skill very few of us are ever taught.
As a result, most of us battle through life and business… ‘winging it’, getting it wrong, damaging relationships, ‘settling for less’, missing out and often making a massive mess along the way.
How to get the very best outcome requires, in my experience, an approach that is counter-intuitive to how we have been taught to play.
In this episode I explore both the art and science of negotiation.
We explore:
what is a negotiation and why it is not what we think!
how so many ‘get it wrong’
how careful preparation will avoid costly mistakes
specifics on what that careful preparation looks like
how to initiate and enter into the conversation strongly
how to lead the process well
how to navigate what can play out
how to reduce the likelihood of unfavourable outcomes
I’ll also share a series of incredibly powerful tools & techniques that can assist you to improve and develop as a compelling & successful negotiator.
The art & science of negotiation, applied well, can have significant impact on each and every relationship you have.
As leaders in business, family, and life, strengthening outcomes and improving relationships is such a critical part of how we succeed and grow.
Once again, enjoy and I look forward to hearing of your successes!
PS - Got questions about this topic? Feel free to reach out via the Profitable Farmer Facebook page to ask clarifying questions. I’d love to hear from you.
PPS - Go to our Profitable Farmer Facebook page to access the workbook I created to help you navigate and best prepare for important negotiations in your life.
PSS - Only 15 seats left at our TOP Producers Workshop in Adelaide next month! Secure yours now by clicking here: TOP Producers Program 2-Day Workshop
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
# 65 - Making an impact and leaving a legacy in your lifetime
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
During my business and entrepreneurship journey, I have been lucky enough to study with and learn from some incredible minds. Through Marshall Thurber, and his ‘Money & You’ course, I have been introduced to the truly profound business thinkings of both W Edward Deming and Buckminster Fuller.In this episode, and as we collectively set down our plans and priorities for the new year, I share some of the most compelling entrepreneurial philosophies and principles pioneered by the great ‘Bucky’ Fuller!In this conversation we explore:
why goal-setting is so important
why being in motion towards your goal is more important than the goal itself!
why trying to ‘find your purpose’ isn’t it!
why selfless goals & objectives are so much more impactful
why adding value into the lives of others is so very important, for you and them!
how the setting up of your plans to achieve your goals increases the likelihood of their attainment
why regular reconnection with your goals is imperative, for you, your family and your team
how your vision, goals & unique plans can set you apart as a business AND see you attract and retain great people and talent
how to create a legacy and truly pioneer in your lifetime
why innovating and inventing in order to solve broader social issues and specific industry problems can see you make an impact on the planet beyond your comprehension!
The brilliance of ‘Bucky’ is that we get to explore all of these very important elements of business and life simply by applying generalised laws of nature to how we lead and do business.I hope my ramblings this time have a meaningful impact for you.If you have any questions about this topic, feel free to reach out via the Profitable Farmer Facebook page. I’d love to hear from you.Sincerely,
JeremyPS - Only 80 seats left at our TOP Producers Workshop in Adelaide next month! Secure yours now by clicking here: TOP Producers Program 2-Day Workshop
Monday Dec 14, 2020
# 64 - The year that was and the year that can be...
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
2020, for a range of reasons, will be a year we’ll never forget.
Yet, at the same time, I feel it will also be a year many of us will cherish and be proud to remember.
Adversity has been prominent.
Families have come together.
Communities have rallied.
Hard work has been at the fore-front.
The important things have been re-established.
Simplicity has been remembered.
Self-mastery a requirement.
As we round out this crazy year and complete on a unique season, it is important to take time to rest, reflect, reenergise, and reset.
In this final podcast episode of the year, I invite our Senior Farm Business Coaches to reflect on the year that was, share some of the big wins they observe across our community, and provide some key tips on how to set 2021 up to be our best year yet.
Tracy Secombe, Cheryl Freak and David Westbrook are incredibly passionate and dedicated business coaches to the Farm Owner Academy community. Their support to our members is outstanding.
The transition into the new year is an important time to come together as a team to review the year and then lock in the goals, plans and priorities for the coming year. This is when alignment can happen.
Enjoy hearing how our coaching team do this, and their tips on how to establish a strong plan for 2021.
As promised, we also share our ‘Wheel of Life’ review format AND our ‘Finish the Year Before It Starts’ training. To access these incredible free resources, please click through using the links below:
Download the ‘Wheel of Life’ Review
Download the ‘Finish the Year Before It Starts’ Training
Congratulations for your determination and resilience this year – especially those fire and drought affected. Your efforts are inspiring and will see you recover and thrive in years to come.
All the best for a fun-filled and prosperous Christmas and festive season!
PS - tickets for our TOP Producers Workshops next year are filling up fast! Secure yours now by clicking here: TOP Producers Program 2-Day Workshop
Friday Nov 27, 2020
# 63 - A helicopter view of the current grain market
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
A mate of mine described Brett Stevenson as ‘a legend in our industry’.In 1996, Brett founded Market Check, now Australia’s most highly respected and widely used independent grain marketing company for Australian farmers. Having navigated 3 years of very challenging seasons, like many farming families, Market Check is now a growing team of 15+ representatives supporting a client base of over 1,000 farming families – equally one of Australia’s real recent success stories.In this interview with Brett, we get his helicopter view of how harvest is unfolding across Australia; what prices have done and will do; the impact of China at this time; his view on global grain production this year; and what all that might mean for farming families this year and into the new season.With a successful career as Founder & Managing Director to Market Check, Brett is sharing his reflections and some valuable insights on his last 25 years in building that national & independent business and team, and how they have navigated the volatility and vagaries of domestic and global commodity markets.Resilience personified. Business and life.In 2010, Brett’s life changed forever, when on a beach family holiday, he dived into the ocean and broke his neck. Brett is generous enough to share his personal story of overcoming that significant adversity, and how perhaps that challenge has played its part in underpinning his life and business over the last decade.Some valuable business insights, and a wonderful discussion, with a modest and very impressive Australian Business Leader. Brett, I thank you for your time. To find out more about Market Check, visit their website:,JeremyPS - tickets for our TOP Producers Workshops next year are filling up fast! Secure yours now by clicking here: TOP Producers Program 2-Day Workshop
Monday Nov 16, 2020
# 62 - Because it costs nothing to dream!
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Hi [First Name],12 years ago, as I hung my shingle as the first business coach in regional Australia, Danny Russell, then a 28-year-old budding entrepreneur with a small cleaning company knocks on my door to tell me he is going to be my first client!…and the rest is history.A cracking entrepreneur and now emerging property developer, Danny & his wife Jill, have become life-long friends and truly inspirational peers and mentors to both Jane & I.In this episode, Danny and I discuss:
the humblest of beginnings
a global search
finding family
valuing the little things
being grateful for what we have
nailing entrepreneurship
being resilient and stating the course
fearlessness & being courageous
playing the long game
making a difference - to your team and to the community you serve
During our business coaching journey together, Danny has taught me so much more than I have him… of that I am sure.For me, he is the most inspirational ‘cleaner’ in Australia.Simply put, Danny Russell is a wonderful human, making a difference through business. It gives me great pleasure to share Danny’s story and link it back to leadership lessons for farming families.Thank you all once again and enjoy. Sincerely,JeremyPS - tickets for our TOP Producers Workshops next year are filling up fast! Secure yours now by clicking here: TOP Producers Program 2-Day Workshop
Friday Oct 30, 2020
# 61 - A new spin on leadership and driving efficiency
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Leadership according to one of the all-time greats…In this podcast, I share some of the most compelling business leadership training I have ever learned. Several years ago (and 7 times since!), I attended an incredible Entrepreneurial Training Program called ‘Money & You’.It was here that I was first introduced to W. Edward Deming. Deming was once the revered global authority on driving efficiency and quality in business.Many of the greatest companies in the world today are underpinned by Deming Leadership Principles.If these Leadership Principles are good enough for big-players like Toyota, Lexus, Mitsubishi, Ford and Gillette, then perhaps they are equally relevant for our family farming businesses?They certainly underpin the key principles we now teach at Farm Owners Academy, and I will welcome your feedback on the key points I cover.So join me on this episode as I reveal a different spin on leadership, and perhaps a new place to focus, as you embark on truly scaling your farm business over time.Enjoy!Jeremy
PS - Know of someone worth interviewing? This podcast is all about uncovering the very best business principles to support success and growth in your farm business. Please email us at if you have success stories in your network who you think would be great for Jeremy to interview. Thank you!
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
# 60 - Everything Will Be OK
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Hello and welcome to our 60th episode!WOW! We are so proud to reach this milestone in the Profitable Farmer journey.
Over the past 3 years, the previous 59 Profitable Farmer episodes have been downloaded over 151,000 times and we have steadily built up a loyal fanbase and thousands of subscribers. The topics we discuss each fortnight are even appealing to listeners outside of agriculture, which is surprising and reaffirming all at once.Thank you for the support, feedback and reviews you have provided along the way.
As the traditional gift given to celebrate a 60th anniversary is diamond, we have lined up a true Aussie diamond to commemorate this milestone.
In this special edition podcast, we are joined by self-proclaimed “ordinary Aussie”, this man is grounded, humble, and a true gent… Michael Crossland.Michael has lived a life full of adversity, pain and suffering yet is one of the most positive people I have ever encountered.
In today’s episode, Michael shares his unbelievable story from surviving a rare form of aggressive, life-threatening cancer as a child and spending a quarter of his life in hospital to becoming a professional sportsman, businessman, one the most in-demand and highly respected speakers in Australia, and now a number 1 bestselling author across 6 different countries.
Despite repeatedly being told what he would never be able to do, Michael continues to defy the odds and show the world absolutely everything that he can accomplish.
Michael’s raw story will bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your heart as he discusses the keys to success, the importance of embracing change and the mindset needed to achieve your goals. Once you hear him speak, you will have a renewed perspective on life (and you’ll discover that you have little to complain about ever again).
If you would like to find out more about Michael Crossland, or purchase his new book ‘Everything Will Be OK’ please visit:
We hope you enjoy this podcast as much as our Platinum Mastermind members enjoyed Michael’s key-note at a recent Deep Dive. It is nothing short of electrifying – be prepared for goosebumps!
‘When you become a diamond, you’ll see why life had to pressure you’
PS – We have just 6 spaces remaining in our Platinum Mastermind Program this year! Applications will close on 31st October or when these last 6 spots are filled.
To learn more, go to
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
# 59 - The Women of FOA
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
In the second of this important two-part series, I interview another small group of Farm Owners Academy Platinum Mastermind Members.
This time the wonderful Women of FOA....
Across our community there are some incredible transformations occurring, and some incredible results being achieved – be they financial, on-farm, in-family or individually.
It truly is a unique, positive, supportive and completely dedicated community of over 120 like-minded, growth-oriented farming families, each intently committed to an intensive 3-year business & personal development journey, and on making more money, building better businesses, stronger teams and achieving more fulfilment in their families and lives.
In this podcast interview, I speak with Carissa Schneider, Marion Drew and Shaana Williams and ask them to share:
their wins,
their challenges,
the results they’re getting,
what they like most,
what they value most, and
why they joined in the first-place.
As we invite just 12 more farming families to join our Platinum Mastermind Program this year, I felt it timely and valuable for you to hear straight from the horse’s mouth what our Members are valuing and achieving from their significant time and money investment within the Platinum Mastermind Program.
Applications close on 31st October or when the remaining spaces are filled. At the time of publishing this episode, there are only 12 spots left.
To learn more, go to:
To hear more case studies, go to:
To any listeners wanting to level-up, we welcome your application before 31st October.
I hope you enjoy these discussions.
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
# 58 - The Men of FOA
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
In an important two-part series, I interview two small groups of Farm Owners Academy Platinum Mastermind Members.
Firstly, the Men of FOA, and then the Women of FOA.
Across our community there are some incredible transformations occurring, and some incredible results being achieved – be they financial, on-farm, in-family or individually.
It truly is a unique, positive, supportive and completely dedicated community of over 120 like-minded, growth-oriented farming families, each intently committed to an intensive 3-year business & personal development journey, and on making more money, building better businesses, stronger teams and achieving more fulfilment in their families and lives.
In this first podcast interview, I speak with Nick Cook, Ben Taylor and Mark Carter and ask them to share:
their wins,
their challenges,
the results they’re getting,
what they like most,
what they value most, and
why they joined in the first-place.
As we invite just 25 more farming families to join our Platinum Mastermind Program this year, I felt it timely and valuable for you to hear straight from the horse’s mouth what our Members are valuing and achieving from their significant time and money investment within the Platinum Mastermind Program.
Applications close on 31st October or when the remaining spaces are filled.
To learn more, go to
To hear more case studies, go to
To any listeners wanting to level-up, we welcome your application before 31st October.
And… on a promise to Nick Cook: a massive shout-out and endorsement to Kingsway Welding for their incredible Agri - innovation – I recommend these guys highly!
Celebrating a Kingsway-built FOA Sign and an example of Kingsway Welding world-class
I hope you enjoy these discussions.