Profitable Farmer
This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Jeremy Hutchings (Managing Director at Farm Owners Academy), reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage in your farm business.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
# 47 - The Covid-19 Impact on Agriculture and Finance Sectors
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
We find ourselves in unprecedented times, like no other in recent history. Crazy, in many ways... following prolonged drought and recent fire events.
It is our view that we will navigate this well as a nation. We will handle this strongly as an industry. We are resilient and fortunate at this time to be farmers. Please be sure to look out for those around us more adversely affected.
In this Podcast, I interview Managing Partner & Financing Specialist, David Charge from Sprout Agribusiness.
David and his team are Commercial Financing Specialists to Australian Agribusiness, supporting farming families across Australia. David is measured and pragmatic, and his advice and assessment of this current crisis is both thoughtful and thorough. He offers us some strong support and guidance as farmers at this time.
In this interview, David & I explore:
The impact of Covid-19 on Agriculture,
How to best navigate this crisis as a farming business,
State and federal assistance / concessions now available to you,
How the financing sector is responding,
The challenges our local bank managers face (post royal commission),
How to proactively engage with your lender,
The role and benefit of an independent finance specialist in your business,
How to make the most of the current low interest rate climate, AND
How to take greater responsibility for your financial situation and your long-term financial success.
My learnings from this discussion with David is to stay focused, plan proactively, build your financial management skillset, and make the most of financing and other opportunities that now exist.
Another great interview with another emerging leader in our industry.
Once again, enjoy!
Friday Mar 27, 2020
SPECIAL EDITION - Covid-19: Dealing with FEAR and Anxiety.
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Simply this is a MUST LISTEN TO Podcast.
Right now, FEAR and ANXIETY is at a peak, and very real for many / most of us.
Fever pitch even... and only amplified by media at this time.
How we manage our own mental state and deal with the emotions of fear and anxiety is so very important at this time - for us, for those around us and as a local and national community.
I interview our Head Coach and Mindset Specialist Tracy Secombe and we explore this important issue. Importantly Tracy shares with us:
- What fear is and how it turns up for us,
- How we experience anxiety, and
- How we can manage both of them and change our state of mind.
More deeply we explore how we can find gratitude, optimism and meaning at this time, and what tools we can use to remove fear and anxiety from our current reality.
The most important thing we can do right now is to be self-aware, manage our own energy, and ensure we turn up to our family and loved ones with perspective and strength.
As parents, sons & daughters and friends, now is our time to lead and love.
Tracy is simply incredible. Her message so very important at this time.
This one is important - for you and for those around you.
Stay safe, stay strong and enjoy!
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
# 46 - Succession Series Part 2 - Building Trust Within Farming Families
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Trust is critical to any high-performing team. Equally, it is essential to effective family-farming businesses...
Do you have a strong basis of trust and mutual respect within your farm team?
Like a muscle, trust can be worked on and strengthened over time.
Most of us just don’t know how, or where, to start.
To expand further on the topic of farm succession, I once again speak with Tony Catt, Director of Catapult Wealth, and we explore:
why trust is essential to effective succession planning,
how trust is broken,
the 3 communication and trust ‘killers’,
how to build trust where it has previously been absent,
the important roles each of us play within the family to nurture a culture of trust and respect.
Tony suggests that sometimes our focus should temporarily move away from important succession conversations until a basis of trust is re-established.
We also explore the notion that all of this is just good, professional business practice. Again, we have so much to learn from businesses who achieve a strong and powerful culture of trust within their teams.
An open dialogue as a family around this sensitive topic is a great place to start.
Grab a cuppa, wrangle your family and enjoy!
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
# 45 - Making Farm Succession Work
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Succession is a misunderstood and very challenging issue for many Australian farming families. Many of us have tried this and had a negative experience and therefore choose to lock it down, not discuss inter-generational transfer at all and get on with running the farm... rather than constructively planning for the future together.
In this podcast, we interview Managing Director of Catapult Wealth, Tony Catt. Tony is an expert on farm succession and is passionate about helping farming families proactively develop a plan for their futures together.
Tune in as we explore:
Why this is so challenging for so many,
What farm succession really is,
Through good business practice and 'governance' we can make succession more successful for families,
The 4 clear, written plans we really need to make this truly effective in practice,
Why the younger generation might need to be respectful and patient in the process,
How to include family members and bring them along for the ride,
How frequently to be discussing this and refining your plan, AND
How to get started.
At Farm Owners Academy, we recommend Tony and Catapult Wealth…we believe that proactive business planning can complement and form the basis for stronger succession planning and more meaningful intergenerational transitions for all.
Enjoy this interview... ideally over a cup of tea, and as a family. We hope this enables you to reflect on where you are at on this journey, agree how to move forward together, and also, who you need around you to give yourselves every chance of success.
The key is to come together and get started!
I look forward to hearing your family’s success stories in all thing’s succession.
Kind Regards,
Friday Feb 14, 2020
# 44 - How the fear of failure can destroy your dreams
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Implementation is the key to success!
In today’s podcast, I chat with Andrew and discuss the importance of realising, accepting and overcoming your fears in order reach your potential in all areas of your life. We explore the concept of fear and how this holds us back, especially the fear of failure in business.
Join us as we dive deeper into:
How perfectionism can hold you back - most people tend to procrastinate because of this, as they worry about making the wrong decision
How you can set up systems to help you make concise decisions, this requires thinking, which most people don’t like to do – most farmers prefer to DO rather than THINK!
Implementation is the key to success, not the decision making however this is still a very critical part.
Never allow a year, a quarter, a week or a day go by without planning it first - this is the KEY to succeeding - yet most people don’t do this.
Stop using excuses to set your goals later - do it NOW!
The power of 10-year, 3-year and 12-month goals, quarterly rocks, weekly & daily goals – If you make time to write these down, you will become unstoppable.
How taking control of your business and developing systems will help you make more profit and allow your team to become more focused and efficient.
If you don’t set goals, your team is winging it which will cost you lots of money, for little return.
Your greatest life is on the other side of fear! We hope you enjoy this podcast and identify the fears which might be holding you back.
To find out more about our Take Control Program, please click here... take advantage now before the price increase! Enjoy,
Friday Jan 31, 2020
# 43 - From Refugee to Riches
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Time to diversify...
Creating balance sheet wealth long-term must be our primary focus, even when challenged in the here-and-now. Success in anything starts with KNOWLEDGE. It is with this in mind that I interview Terry Tran, CEO & Founder of The Freedom Trader.
Terry Tran is a good (and perhaps unlikely) friend to Farm Owners Academy and the Profitable Farmer podcast. We recommend his investing program - The Freedom Trader - and know many of our clients continue to get great training and real results from his mentoring and methodology.
In this podcast, Terry shares his story with us, his passion to help people create wealth through direct share investing, his investment philosophy and his view on why farming families make such good investors. We uncover some very real myths about the share market and explore how to create wealth through a strong analysis and risk-aware investment strategy.
I encourage each of you to listen to this and consider, even in times of dry seasons and tight cashflows, whether now is a good time to be learning HOW to strengthen your wealth creation capacity through robust and measured share investing.
If you’d like to see for yourself what Terry’s ‘Freedom Trader’ program is all about, he is hosting a live training on Tuesday 18th February and its completely FREE for all our podcast listeners! You can register by clicking here: How to Create Real Wealth Outside Your Farm SAFELY but do it now as space is limited!
Jeremy Hutchings
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
# 42 - Responding strongly in times of real adversity
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
2020 has arrived to us in a way that no one wished for or expected. Adverse and extreme fires threaten farming families and rural communities across Australia.
To those of you directly affected, our thoughts and prayers are with you. To our clients, please know you have our support and that of the FOA Community.
In this important podcast we interview remarkable clients Troy & Nette Fischer, 'Ashmore', Wasleys, South Australia.
On the 25th November 2015, Troy & Nette lost everything except their family home and 600 trade lambs in the Pinery fires of South Australia. Their entire farm, including their white suffolk stud and all farm infrastructure burned completely.
Their story and recovery effort is remarkable. How they have responded and the results they have achieved in the 12 months, 2 years and now 4 years since that event is nothing short of incredible.
Hindsight can be a wonderful thing. As they reflect on their personal experience, Troy and Nette share some wonderful tips and very thoughtful insights on how to navigate these intensely tough times, as well as how to best support those directly affected.
To those of you who are affected directly at this time, I hope by sharing Troy & Nette's story, they can serve as inspiration and encouragement to you. We hope this interview can help you in some small way to navigate the hardship you feel and the road to recovery ahead.
To those exploring how best to support loved ones, friends and family directly affected - now and ongoing - Troy and Nette share some very real and meaningful actions you can take that can truly make a difference and add value to those in need.
Thank you Troy & Nette - I am grateful for your willingness to help others by sharing your story.
This is the time when communities rally and remarkable growth and recovery can happen... as it did for the Fischer Family.
Regards, Jeremy
Monday Dec 30, 2019
# 41 - It’s time to reflect, it’s time to reset and renew
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Tracy Secombe is incredible. Plain and simple.
Her support to her Farm Owners Academy clients once again this year has been astounding.
Her contribution to our community continues to inspire.
Our clients just get so much value from her outlook on life and the coaching she can provide.
As we bring a close to 2019, it is my great pleasure to connect with and interview Tracy, and to explore how to make this Christmas season an important moment in time to deeply reflect, clearly check-in, fully self-assess, and completely set down more powerful intentions and enriching habits in the new year to come.
A cracking conversation. An amazing lady.
Enough said...enjoy!
Jeremy Hutchings
Monday Dec 16, 2019
# 40 - Analysing Risk in Farming Systems
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
How exposed am I? Assessing and managing risk within our farming systems.
I love the principle that in order to succeed, it is the business with the most robust and strategic business model that gets the results. Often it is the quality of our business model and how we execute on this model that is the difference between the average and the top 20%.
With this in mind, and based on your most recent years of performance, how robust and risk-aware is your business model? We operate in a unique climate, with unique economic factors, relative to farmers in other countries, and a high exposure to price variability and international markets. We operate businesses based on biological systems often exposed to the vagaries of our environments and the markets.
In this podcast, I am pleased to interview my father, Tim Hutchings, and discuss risk and volatility in Australian Agriculture. We explore the importance of designing risk-aware and long-term sustainable farming systems that have inherent flexibility, focused on minimising losses as much as pursuing windfall profits.
Dr. Tim Hutchings is a successful farmer and farm consultant in the Riverina, NSW. He is a Nuffield Scholar and Researcher and has recently completed his PhD analysing and (for the first time) quantifying risk and volatility of our farming systems.
As we dust ourselves off from the challenges of a dry season, reflect and reset for a new season, I encourage you to use this podcast as your opportunity to deeply interrogate the appropriateness of your current farming system, and as a catalyst to ask better questions and consider making some deliberate and measured changes.
Enjoy this podcast!
Jeremy Hutchings
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
# 39 - An example of agricultural entrepreneurship at its finest
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
Saturday Nov 30, 2019
From a desire to find useful farm research and analysis tools for her own family... to Australia's number 1 online resource hub for farmers and agribusiness!
Farm Table’s story is a compelling reminder how we all can find a problem and seek to solve it in order to make our industry stronger and better for everyone.
Ladies & gentlemen, meet Airlie Landale - Founder and CEO of Farm Table.
Airlie is an incredible next generation champion for Australian Agriculture, doing her bit to make a very real and tangible difference for farming families nationally. From a small idea, Airlie has dedicated herself to solving a problem for the betterment of all farmers.
In this podcast we interview Airlie, understand her background, learn about the Farm Table story, and get a real insight into what can be achieved when a strong vision, deep passion, real commitment and sheer determination all come together around one simple idea.
Farm Table is Australia's one-stop farming hub online to connect producers, farmers and fishers to agricultural resources, information, opportunities, and, to each other.
In doing so, this agricultural platform's suite of services saves you time, improves information flows across the industry and contributes to a connected, collaborative, and innovative Australian agriculture sector.
Enjoy this podcast, we’re sure Farm Table will become one of your 'go to' platforms to help you stay ahead of the game!