Profitable Farmer
This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Jeremy Hutchings (Managing Director at Farm Owners Academy), reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage in your farm business.
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
# 108 - There is always a silver lining
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Right now, there are many farming families facing real challenges.Extended rains, widespread flooding, the prospect of failed crops, wet paddocks and the complexities all this brings for hay carting, harvest and the end of our season.
A season that promised so much.
A cost-base inflated by the aftermath of a global pandemic.
Seven years ago, Platinum Mastermind members Troy and Nette Fisher, Ashmore Rams (Woolshed, SA) were decimated by the Pinery Fires.
Three years ago, Farm Owners Academy Coach David ‘Westy’ Westbrook dedicated months on Kangaroo Island, supporting fire-affected members of our community with their recovery efforts.
I asked them to join me for this episode to offer some hope and inspiration to those experiencing challenges and their own version of adversity – large or small.
In this episode, I reflect with Troy and Nette on where they have arrived to on the other side of their adversity. I also ask Westy to reflect on what our Farm Owners Academy community on Kangaroo Island did in the weeks and months that followed the fires that not only inspired him, but allowed them to recover and thrive.
Where Troy and Nette’s business Ashmore Rams is now, is incredible. Their mindset, determination, decision-making and their results speak for themselves. For more information on Ashmore Rams, Click Here.
I hope the insights shared in this episode on gratitude, perspective, calmness, kindness, planning, decision-making, and massive action offer some clarity and direction for all of you as we arrive at the end of a very unique season.
Troy & Nette remind me that there is always a silver lining and that ‘good’ things can come from the ‘bad’ if you stay the course and choose to own the situation we find ourselves in.
Thank you, Troy, Nette and Westy – an uplifting and important conversation.
Be kind, everyone, and let’s nail the end to this season!
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Dave ‘Westy’ Westbrook here – and I have hijacked this episode of the Profitable Farmer Podcast!
For me, true wealth is about the inner success or the ‘inner hero’ that we all have inside us, and, at the end of the day, our farming businesses are tools to help us create the life we desire.
I am so incredibly excited to welcome three special guests to the podcast - Ironman world champion Trevor Hendy, AFL legend Kane Johnson and breath and Ice bath guru Mark Kluwer.
Recently, 16 men from our Platinum Mastermind community and I attended the “Breath and Break Through Retreat” hosted by Mark, Trevor and Kane at Elevated Springs in Hepburn, Victoria. It was an incredible few days together, focusing on self-awareness, connection, personal growth and a deeper understanding of yourself.
“We want to call ourselves successful, but to be successful requires strength and courage, and the biggest strength and courage we can have, is to be our true self.”
In this episode, we explore some important themes in more depth on creating the life you desire, including:
It’s not what you do but who you are that matters.
How vulnerability opens you up to new opportunities.
Why most of us are in burnout.
Breathing and how it scientifically impacts us.
How to stay calm in high-stress environments.
Plus much more…
Make sure you stick around to the end, where we run an activity to help you identify and make desired changes in your life.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
Thanks again for having me,
P.S. Find out more about Mark Kluwer & upcoming retreats at Elevated Springs by clicking here.
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
# 106 - The Psychology of Resilience
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
As Part III on the important topic of RESILIENCE, I speak with the incredible Maria Ruberto – specialist in the neuroscience and deep psychology of human resilience.
Her official definition: Advancing despite adversity.
Love this.
I find how our mind works so fascinating. Recent advances in neuroscience continue to help us more deeply understand this area and seem to favour the more innate and humanistic practices advocated for mental well-being, personal development, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
In fact, there is now a transformational model – the PR6 FACTOR – that outlines the six core domains underpinning human resilience… who knew!!
In this episode, Maria and I explore:
what is it to be resilient;
how the mind works from a scientific standpoint;
how our mind, when left unchecked, can work against us;
how we automatically respond when faced with adversity;
how we can self-regulate in order to enhance our response & realities;
how big of an issue mental ‘ill-health’ (as the opposing side to resilience) is for us as a community; and
how resilience is something we can work on and build over time.
This podcast references Episode #104 ‘What is it to be resilient’, and connects with Episode #105 ‘Resilience in Family Relationships.’ I encourage you to listen to these prior to enjoying this one.
Importantly, and as Maria suggests, be kind to yourself as you listen to this. If you feel these podcasts ‘trigger you’ or raise issues for you, we urge you to reach out and speak to a professional on any one of these related support lines:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Mensline: 1300 789 978
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
Blue Knot Helpline: 1300 657 380
Resilience is an immensely important topic - especially as farmers and valued participants in families and rural communities.
For those interested in deepening your ability in this area, please consider Maria’s training series: Resilience First Aid – click here to discover more!
Thank you, Maria, for the work you do, for your commitment, and for your unwavering dedication to helping individuals, families, and teams be better – for themselves and each other.
I so very much value your time and insights in this conversation.
Be well, everyone and thank you!
Hutch & Team
P.S. Discover more about the six domains of resilience – click here
P.P.S. Find out more about Maria Ruberto and her incredible work – click here
P.P.P.S. If you think this episode or podcast series would benefit someone else, please forward this on to them!
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
# 105 - Resilience in Family Relationships
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
To speak plainly, family relationships need to be resilient in family business.
To be honest - so often, behind closed doors, simply, they are not.
As Part II on the topic of RESILIENCE, I speak with Farm Owners Academy Director and Soul Pleaser Program Founder, Tracy Secombe – our resident authority on this topic.
In this episode, Tracy & I more deeply explore:
how families can compromise an individual’s resilience;
how we can improve family relationships and strengthen their resilience; and
for family relationships to change, first, I must change how I turn up to those relationships.
So often, we find ourselves in an unhealthy dynamic, whereby the strength of family relationships are left unchecked.
Tracy is a true genius in supporting individuals to reflect on, review and transform important family relationships. Her program “People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser”, and now her recently released best-selling book, is dedicated to helping people do the deeper work on this - creating opportunities for new, vibrant and more resilient family relationships.
To support our discussion, please find a related article from Tracy that might assist you – Click Here to access.
Tracy, on behalf of our entire community, thank you for all you do and your support in helping people foster stronger and more resilient family relationships. Farm Owners Academy is lucky to have you.
Enjoy this podcast and use it as your opportunity to make meaningful changes for the better within your families.
With respect,
Monday Sep 19, 2022
# 104 – What is it to be RESILIENT
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
With R U OK Day taking place last week, I wanted to take a few moments to share a business coaching principle that changed my life.
In my younger years, I constantly struggled with poor self-esteem, low confidence, anxiety and, at times, depression. In addition, I was plagued by an active mindset of sabotaging my own sense of self.
Left unchecked, I hate to think where life might have taken me and where I might be right now.
One of the greatest gifts in my life has been to learn how to do ‘the deeper work’. Focusing on changing my psychology, strengthening my resolve and building my resilience has been an active process that has helped me immensely for over 20 years.
In this episode, I share the concept of the IDENTITY ICEBERG and (hopefully) provide you with a model and process that you can work through to help build your resilience and be at your best.
I talk about the self-development work we need to do around the skills, values, priorities, beliefs and identity that define who we are and who we strive to become.
This is my way of reaching out to our loyal listeners.
I value you greatly, and ask R U OK?
Take care, stay strong and thank you.
Hutch & team
When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do:
1. Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcast
This free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business, leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here. 2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’
Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join
3. Work with us privately
If you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ just email us at and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
# 103 - A Global And Local View On Our Current Reality
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Hi [First Name],
In leadership, sometimes it pays to take the highest perspective possible.Today, as we find ourselves navigating global political unrest, war, pandemic recovery, disease threat, rising interest rates, inflation and significant seasonal volatility, this has never been more important.For an incredibly insightful global perspective and a highly considered and passionate interpretation tailored just for us – as Australian Farmers – it gives me great pleasure to introduce one of the most brilliant individuals I have ever met!Simon Kuestenmacher is the Co-founder and Director of The Demographics Group based in Melbourne, Australia. Simon holds degrees in geography from leading universities in Berlin and Melbourne and has worked as a business consultant with KPMG Australia for several years. In 2017 Simon, with Bernard Salt, co-founded The Demographics Group. The group provides specialist advice on demographic, consumer and social trends for business. Simon has presented to numerous corporate and industry audiences across Australia and overseas on demographic trends, consumer insights and cultural change in Australia.For a pragmatic, optimistic and insightful view of Australia’s place in the world and a cracking reminder of what is important for our farms, employees, communities and regions… ladies & gentlemen, I give you the outstanding Simon K!Enjoy!Hutch & TeamP.S. Want to learn the 6-step system that the top 5% of farm owners follow to run their business? Join us for our one-day virtual Business Summit – click here to learn more.
When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do:1. Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcastThis free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business – leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here.2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join.3. Work with us privatelyIf you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ just email us at and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!
Monday Aug 15, 2022
# 102 - Navigating A Major Market Correction
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
As our world continues to change, our commodity and investment markets continue to be impacted by an ongoing series of externalities.
To help us understand the current market conditions and to offer direction on navigating a significant recent market correction, I invite our resident investment specialist, Terry Tran, back to the Profitable Farmer Podcast.
As always, it is great to connect with Terry and, importantly, understand:
what’s happening in the equities markets at present;
how best to navigate a current market correction;
what’s driving this,
political pressures from major global players; and
how to make the most of the opportunities presented.
As leaders, business owners, investors and exporters, it is important to take a global perspective and understand the new dynamics at play.
From Ukraine & Russia to Taiwan, China & the USA, increasing interest rates, inflation, currency and COVID, as always, Terry, it is so valuable to get your insight across all things impacting the investment market.
Importantly, we will be hosting an exclusive 2-hour Investment Webinar with Terry on Wednesday the 24th of August 2022, from 7:30 to 9:30pm. We welcome you to join us as we focus in more detail on how to navigate the current major market correction – click here for more information.
Keep winning.
Hutch & Team
P.S. Want to learn the 6-step system that the top 5% of farm owners follow to run their business? Join Farm Owners Academy Co-Founder Andrew Roberts and Managing Director Jeremy Hutchings for this one-day, one-off business summit on the 15th of September that you can join online from the comfort of your home! Andrew and Jeremy will share the best strategies they have picked up from three decades of coaching and working with hundreds of farm owners. Learn more or secure your seat:
When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do:
1. Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcastThis free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business, leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here.2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join.3. Work with us privatelyIf you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ email us at support@farmownersacademy.comand put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
# 101 - Another Look Into Successful Succession
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Succession is often described as a complex, challenging, confronting, highly emotional and intense process.
At its worst, succession can tear families apart, damage relationships and be the demise of significant farming dynasties. We have all seen this.
In this podcast, I interview succession specialist and ProAgtive Co-Founder Isobel Knight, for another look at this important topic.
“Done well, and applying sound business management fundamentals, succession can be a very positive and creative problem-solving process… one that creates very real and significant opportunities for all involved.”
This is how succession should be.
Over the past 18 years, I have always admired Isobel and the quiet determination she has extended in making a difference for Australian farming families around succession.
I love Isobel’s perspective on succession and how she reminds us to focus on the future and create new opportunities for all involved - finding a way to be respectful, empathetic and grateful in how we arrive at the process.
Now, leading a team of succession specialists and serving farming families across Australia, we can learn a lot from the process Isobel’s team work through as they facilitate farm family succession meetings.
Thank you Isobel, for so openly sharing your view on this important topic and your insight as to how families can set the foundations, through good business management, to do this well. I commend you on a highly successful career and for the impact you have made on our industry.
I hope you find this valuable.
Hutch & Team
P.S. Want to learn the 6 step system that the top 5% of farm owners follow to run their business? Join Farm Owners Academy Co-Founder Andrew Roberts and Managing Director Jeremy Hutchings for this one-day, one-off business summit on the 15th of September that you can join online from the comfort of your home! Andrew and Jeremy will share the best strategies they have picked up from three decades of coaching and also working with hundreds of farm owners. Learn more or secure your seat:
When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do:
1. Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcastThis free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business, leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here.2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join.3. Work with us privatelyIf you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ email us at support@farmownersacademy.comand put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!
Friday Jul 15, 2022
# 100 - Leadership lessons from a Wallaby Great
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Growing up, like most kids, I had three heroes:
Mel Gibson,
Greg Norman, and
Phil Kearns.
All Aussies. All champions in their own way in their chosen field.
To celebrate our 100th Profitable Farmer Podcast episode, it gives me great pleasure to introduce Wallaby great Phil Kearns (OAM).
Phil is without question one of Australia’s greatest ever Rugby Union players. With 67 tests as #2 for the Australian Wallabies,10 as Captain and 73 games for the NSW Waratahs, Phil was a key contributor to 3 successful Rugby World Cup campaigns, including the memorable 1991 and 1999 victories over England and New Zealand, respectively.
Beyond Rugby, Phil is a thoughtful, composed and genuine leader. A true gentleman of sport, business and philanthropy.
I was lucky enough to meet Phil recently when he opened the new clubhouse at the local Cootamundra Rugby grounds. The time he openly shared with my family, the kids of the Club and their families was incredible.
His passion for Australian Rugby, grass-roots footy, local communities, and youth development is inspiring. His contribution to the game of Rugby and its future in Australia is significant.
Enjoy this conversation where we connect and discuss:
the past and future Australian Rugby landscape;
the process to win the recent Rugby World Cup bid, what this means for Australian Rugby;
his career as a Wallaby; and
his take on leadership and how to get the best for & from individuals and teams.
There is always so much we can learn from spending time with people like Phil. His outlook is clear, concise and refreshing.
Again, I hope you enjoy this interview just as much as I did recording it.
Thank you, Phil, and congratulations on an incredible career and contribution.
Thank you, everyone, for being part of the Profitably Farmer journey – bring on our second century!
Hutch & Team
P.S. Click here to learn more about Farm Owners Academy. You can also click here to book a time to ‘Have A Yarn’ with an FOA coach about how we might best support you on your journey.
When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do:
1. Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcastThis free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business, leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here.2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join.3. Work with us privatelyIf you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ just email us at support@farmownersacademy.comand put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
# 99 - Reflecting on the Farm Owners Academy Story...
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Eight years ago, Farm Owners Academy (FOA) was just an idea shared by two incredible visionaries, Greg & Deb Johnsson.
Six months later, and following some time with Business Coach Andrew Roberts, the business we see and cherish today was born.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
As this is our 99th Profitable Farmer Podcast, I thought it appropriate to reflect on this journey with FOA Co-Founders Greg Johnsson & Andrew Roberts.
From that initial idea, now to an incredible community of over 500 farm businesses progressing through our various programs and a team of 20 dedicated business coaches and highly professional support personnel, the FOA Story is one worthy of sharing.
As a team and community, we can all be proud of what we have together created. I personally feel this project will make an impact of significance on our industry, as it has for the hundreds of farming families who have already completed our various programs.
I’d like to dedicate this interview to Greg, Deb and Robbo. Your Vision, intent, enterprise, dedication and tireless effort have delivered a Business Masterclass and Coaching Program to Australian Agriculture that is like no other.
To our team of incredible coaches and those in support, thank you for your unwavering loyalty and commitment to supporting our farming families to learn, grow and achieve their potential.
And finally, to all of you in our community – our podcast listeners, Take Control and Farm Financial Framework Members, TOP Producer Program event attendees, our Platinum Mastermind Program and our Alumni, thank you for your openness and your willingness to lean in, improve and be part of our growing community.
I hope you enjoy this podcast just as much as I enjoyed reflecting with two incredible individuals, Andrew Roberts and Greg Johnsson.
Keep winning, everyone!
P.S. Click here to learn more about Farm Owners Academy. You can also click here to book a time to ‘Have A Yarn’ with an FOA coach about how we might best support you on your journey.
When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do:
Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcastThis free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business, leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here.2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join.3. Work with us privatelyIf you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ just email us at support@farmownersacademy.comand put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!